jazzahead! Summer Nights 2024

We have excellent news for you: Every Thursday at 7pm from 20 June to 12 September, we will publish 3 short videos from our showcasing artists 2024!

Trade Fair

jazzahead! is the must-go event for the international jazz industry and the place for high-quality, contemporary jazz from Germany, Europe and overseas. As the world's largest event where all the protagonists of the scene (musicians, labels, agencies, festival makers, bookers and media representatives) meet, it is considered by professional visitors from all over the world as the "Family Reunion of Jazz". Learn more how you can attend:


The showcase application phase for jazzahead! 2025 will start from Aug 21st  2024 and will end on Oct 1st 2024!

"Showcases" are the 30- to 45-minute short concerts at jazzahead!. 38 jazz highlights and current formations from Germany, Europe, Overseas/Africa as well as from three former partner countries: Spain (2012), France (2015) and Switzerland (2016), being part of the next year's first RECONNECT edition, can be experienced on three days and nights on the stages of Hall 7 and the Kulturzentrum Schlachthof.


The jazzahead! Festival turns Bremen into the metropolis of jazz!

Every year in April, the jazzahead! Festival takes place parallel to the jazzahead! trade fair in Bremen. Together with numerous cooperation partners, we organize a city-wide music and cultural program around the world's largest meeting place for the jazz scene.
In 2024, the festival will focus on the Netherlands, a very special partner country. From April 11 to April 13, we can look forward to a modern and surprising sound!

We warn against scam and phishing emails

Our participants have repeatedly been contacted via mail by a company claiming to be selling the jazzahead! 202x visitors/attendees list. Please do not answer their request! We would like to point out that we are in no way affiliated with this. The brand name “jazzahead!” was used without our knowledge or consent for these mailings. In case you receive mails in that manner, we advise you to disregard and discard it. As a jazzahead! attendee with a registration valid for the current year, you will always have access to the detailed attendee list via our participants portal.

Please read more about other warnings of scam mails here: